The chair I bought thriftying the other day was bought with a purpose. I should say right now though that that's not always the case. I often buy things that I have no idea what I'm going to do with (much to the chagrin of my husband).
But not this chair. Ever since I saw this picture, I've wanted a little chair just like it.

I knew it would be perfect for my front porch. You see, my front porch . . . actually you can't even call it that . . . the space in front of my front door (that's better) is teeny tiny. And the door is off-centered, so there's just a little space to left that needed filling . . .
So when I came across it at the Goodwill last week (at 50% off no less) I bought it without a second thought. I brought her home and piled her up with seasonal pumpkins, gourds, and indian corn. And now the teenytinyspaceinfrontofmyfrontdoor isn't so lonely anymore!
What do you think?
I think I need to find myself a Goodwill! You are so clever. I love your ideas!
I just love it --- great deal on that chair - the perfect touch. AND that you had a purpose for your buy - oh my that is priceless!
I love it! Looks so charming!
I love it! Now I know what I will be looking for next time I'm at Goodwill.
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